utpanels 2018-02-06T10:18:54+02:00

UT radiant panels

radiant panels icon
UTclassic series - serie UTclassic



Patented prefabricated radiant panel suitable for wall and ceiling installations with a rich variant of finishes. Thanks to the high surface ratio “net/gross radiant area”, equal to 88% of the UTclassic panel, a greater radiant power can be obtained in equal occupied areas.




Patented prefabricated radiant panel without aluminium suitable for wall and ceiling installations.
Its main characteristic is that it contains inside the supply backbone and the system of connection between the panels.

UTbeams series - serie UTbeams



Ideal for renovation, it is the panel to create radiating surfaces between wood, metal or concrete exposed beams, with clearances up to 40 cm.
UTbeams can be connected in series up to 20 panels for a total length of 48 m.

UTquad series - serie UTquad


Removable and sound-absorbing radiant panel 60×60 cm designed for heating and cooling, it has a plaster base coated with a mat and satin finish. It is used in environments that require a high acoustic comfort and that are aesthetically well-finished such as hospitals, offices, restaurants, etc.

UTquad metal series - serie UTquad metal

UTquad metal

Removable metallic radiant panel 60×60 cm designed for heating and cooling, it has metallic base coated with different kind of finish.
It is used in environments that require a high level of performance and architectural design such as directional offices, restaurants, offices, conference rooms, etc.

UTquad metal series - serie UTquad metal

UTquad metal CU plus

Removable prefabricated metallic radiant panel, dim. 600×600 mm,
with copper coil, designed for heating and cooling, it has metallic base coated with different kind of finish.
It is used in environments that require a high level of performance and architectural design such as directional offices, restaurants, offices, conference rooms, etc.